Shop & Office Insurance Broker

Get the right cover for your shop or office

Are you looking for an insurance quote for your shop or office? We can help to find specialist, competitive insurance cover, tailored to your needs.

Our expert team of insurance advisers provide advice and support to all kinds of small businesses to make sure they get the right cover at the right price.

Shop and Office Insurance for Businesses in Scotland

We have years of experience helping shop and office occupiers in Scotland arrange the right cover at the right price.  We have access to the leading insurers and facilities who have products specifically designed to cover your requirements.

Type of covers available:

  • Damage or theft of your business contents
  • Loss of stock
  • A member of the public being injured whilst on your property.
  • Injury to your staff
  • Loss of profits following a claim
  • Cover for property outside of your place of business

What do I need to be aware of as a Shop or Office Occupier?

You will have a legal requirement for employers liability cover if you employ anyone.  It provides cover in the event of your employee injuring themselves whilst at work.

Do you have staff working from home with company equipment being taken outside of your normal trading premises?  This may not be covered if you have not asked for it to be noted.

Do you have other peoples goods on your premises?  These are known as goods in trust and need to be specifically noted.

Can you comply with the security requirements stipulated by your insurer?  Some will have minimum security requirements.  What does this mean and are you sure the security you have on your premises will comply?

Your fridges and freezers that are outside of warranty should be under a maintenance contract and serviced in line with the manufacturers instructions.

If you are handling large amounts of physical cash check the limits on your policy to ensure they are adequate.  If you have a safe make sure the limit is suitable for your needs and that your safe is authorised to hold the amount of cash you need it to.

Your Trusted Insurance Broker in Falkirk

If you need to claim on your policy we will help and assist you through the process.  We are not here just to sell you a policy once a year but to offer support should you need to claim or there is a change to your business. 

What Coversure Falkirk can do for you:

  • Meet with you to discuss your needs and gather the relative information
  • Approach insurers and markets on your behalf
  • Recommend the most appropriate option for your needs
  • Be available throughout the year, no call or processing centres for you to deal with
  • Help you manage the claim process should you be unfortunate enough to suffer a loss

Why use Coversure Falkirk?

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to give advice.

We aren’t tied to any one insurance company which means we can approach the market on your behalf and make recommendations to you based on the quotes we get back.

We will explain the covers on offer, limits applicable and any specific clauses and conditions you should be aware of to ensure that you are compliant with the terms and conditions of the policy.